Welcome to our storehouse of stories…


JS Event

An event put on by the members of the collective in a celebration of local talent within the group.

The live event set out to bring together different art forms in one afternoon and evening of entertainment. Flowing from Art Exhibition, to salsa classes and with woodcarving alongside it was an event for everyone.

Held on the 12th March, for mainly for friends of the collective we look forward to more events happening int he future

The One and Only

Hailed as the One and Only, Queen of Music Hall this is a story of Mary Lloyd written by Briony Waite and performed as a one women show by Fiona Battisby.

Brilliant writing, superb acting singing and stagecraft. Amazing keyboard playing. We thought it was absolutely fantastic”

Performed and rehearsed at Joseph Studios, With following performances at the Alma Theatre Sept 27th - Oct 1st - 2022


This is the central purpose behind Joseph Studios.. The heart of our mission here is to save and cherish stories of wisdom that we can share with our fellow humans for generations to come.

The real gold in life is not found in material things, but in the pursuits of creativity, community, hope and health

These elements shape our characters.. They help us to overcome life’s challenges, develop resilience and build courage. It is the source of true JOY in life.

So enjoy the gold we’ve been gathering over the years…

2021 Podcast series

We are delighted to introduce our brand new podcast, focusing on Creativity. JS’s Archi Palmer has recently been interviewed by the mentoring group Reboot for their podcast series, looking at how the creative process can build a culture of hope. Presented by Malcolm Bourne.

Part of a series focusing on the theme of HOPE, Malcolm interviews seven guests to unpack several sub-themes to discuss how we can all create a Culture of Hope, both individually and corporately.

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